Install Fire Sprinkler Systems for
Ultimate Protection
Fire breakouts can be destructive, and you must take ultimate precautions to prevent such mishaps. Security & Fire Contractors' certified technicians are trained to identify and fix potential hazards before they cause damage.
Fire Sprinkler Systems
There are three types of fire sprinkler systems available in the market:
A Wet Fire Sprinkler System Is the Most Common Option Available in the Market.
A Dry Sprinkler System Comes With Pressurized Air Rather Than Water.
A Preaction Fire Sprinkler System Combines the Features of Both Wet and Dry Sprinkler Systems.

Complete Fire
Protection Services
We have a wide range of experience in performing complete fire protection services. Please consult with our experts to learn more about:
Dry Pipe Systems
Special Hazard Fire Protection Systems
Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Systems
Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems
Foam Fire Suppression Systems